Kevin Somnang Mao

Welcome! My name is Kevin Somnang Mao and I am a southern Californian interdisciplinary artist. I gain inspiration from the natural world, different cultures, and any other interests I have. This space serves as a place to showcase work that I am proud of. I hope that you enjoy the work that I have chosen to share!

  • Foundation Art Classes
    2D/3D Design, Drawing, Life Drawing, Foundation Art History I/II

  • Intro Classes
    Printmaking, Painting, Ceramics: Handbuilding, Ceramics: Wheelthrowing, Typography

  • 300/400 Studio Art Classes
    B/W Illustration, Color Illustration, Character Design, Drawing with Perspective, Anatonomy for the Artist, Figures in Context, B/W Film Photography, Watercolor, Artists Books/Papermaking

  • Art History Classes
    American Art to 1900s, Art of Islamic Regions, History of Animation, Buddhist Art of India and Southeast Asia

  • Art Education Classes
    Materials and Methods for K-12, Art Disciplines thru New Tech, On Site Studies in Art Education, Intro to Teaching Art, Cross-Cultural Community based Practice Art, Curriculum and Methods in Teaching Art



Artist's Books/Bookbinding
